Solar Lights and Solar Outdoor Lighting
"Solar power is the last energy resource that isn`t owned yet - nobody taxes the sun yet."
Bonnie Raitt
Bonnie Raitt
Welcome to our category page for Solar Lights and Solar Outdoor Lighting.
There`s no better time to take advantage of that big free, un-taxed energy grid in the sky and go solar powered with outdoor lighting. With advancements in battery technology, solar panels and LED`s, solar lights are now a real economic option for long lasting and reliable lighting. Suitable for both public and private outdoor lighting our range of solar lights pay for themselves by not being attached to the grid or consuming expensive power. While the cost of energy to power outdoor lighting keeps going up and up its time to harness and harvest free energy from our sun. For new instillation's of outdoor lighting solar powered lighting wins hands down over grid powered lighting as the cost to run underground cables is never a cheap experience. Our Solar outdoor lighting can be easily installed without the need of contracting an electrical trades-person. |
Our ESL-04 (pictured here above) is an industrial grade solar light that is ideal for lighting paths and gardens.
To learn more about our Solar Plaza Series go to our main page here. >>>
403 Julia Road Hampden South Australia 5374 PHONE 0458 158 777 +0061 458 158 777 |