LED grow lights for indoor plants and horticulture
"The reason we're so dangerous is because we're totally harmless."
Cheech Marin
Cheech Marin
Welcome to our Plant Growing Lights page that we hope you will find informative and interesting.
Here we offer the best LED grow lights with our advanced technology controllable plant growing lights and are suitable for growing all types of plants species. Choose from our quality range of different optimized grow light designs and spectrum's suitable for your application and plant species. Our growlights for indoor plants are designed to offer productive and energy efficient solutions for both commercial horticulture and the home enthusiast.
Advanced technology with 13 band spectrum split into three stage growing options of Seedling, Veg and Bloom. |
Lighting in horticulture is measured as "photo synthetically active radiation" or PAR value rather than a lumen level.
This is due to measuring individual spectrum wavelengths (visible to our eyes) rather than a brightness or luminescence value. To understand more about PAR visit the link below. Plant Chlorophyll absorption of visible spectrum light.
Plants require at least light levels between 100 and 800 μmol m−2s−1. For daylight-spectrum (5800 K) lamps, this would be equivalent to 5800 to 46,000 lm/m2.
A plants photosynthesis is a quantum process and the chemical reactions of photosynthesis are more dependent on the number of photons rather than the amount of energy contained in the photons. Each species of plant may require a different spectral range for optimum health & growth. Winter plants may require less red spectrum & more blue as the suns axis is tilted further away from the sun where the red spectrum gets scatted more as it penetrates our atmosphere air. Summer plants may need more red spectrum with the sun being overhead & less photons scattered to reach the plants surface. |
There is no doubt that food production is one of the worlds greatest issues of concern.
LED Lighting offers a lower operating cost alternative to traditional hydroponic and indoor garden systems with increased yields & faster cropping cycles. The correct spectral range will give your crop the exact light needed for optimum health, growth & flowering. |
Lux and lumens are photo-metric units which measure light intensity perceived by the human eye.
The spectrum of light plants use for photosynthesis goes beyond our eyes visible spectrum & includes both infrared (IR) & ultra violet (UV) waves. Plant biologists measure the photo-synthetically active radiation or PAR received by the plant in a spectral range of solar radiation from 400 to 700 nm or manometers. Biologists use the the PAR to calculate the amount of photons for a given time on a surface known as PPFD & measured in umol m-2s-1 |
All our Grow Lights LED Full Spectrum come with a UV (ultra violet) 380nm and 420nm as well as IR (infra red) 720nm and 760nm LED`s to help promote, amino acids & naturally produced oils by 25%.
Scientifically designed for maximizing both energy efficiency and optical penetration below the crop canopy you will be amazed at how our B Series Grow Lights LED Full Spectrum 13 band will improve crop cycle time & yields.
With two stage dimmers for growth and flower they offer ease of control without the extra cost of WiFi or rf controllers. They can be easily seen from a glance the correct setting is applied. All our Plant Growing Lights are made to the highest of standards, made with the highest quality components, factory and in-house tested to ensure you are ready to plug & play, grow and bloom. The fully adjustable spectrum offers you the grower control as to what will work best in your application and for the type of plants you are growing. Our B series Grow lights are constructed utilizing the best quality Bridgelux 45mil 100 watt COB LED`s |
UV Good for plants!
Always protect your eyes with good quality UV Rated Glasses |
403 Julia Road Hampden South Australia 5374 PHONE 0458 158 777 +0061 458 158 777 |